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/aw/ - AwsumChan Meta

Discussion of AwsumChan itself.
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I've been unsure what needs to be done to Tinyboard in order to make it a better software for our site.

In response, I'm creating this thread so you – the user, can make suggestions for me to implement into the site. Feel free to request anything. Hell, if you don't like what I've done, you can tell me that too. I'll listen.

The source code that we use for AwsumChan can be found at https://github.com/Circlepuller/Tinyboard
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When the US was a free country, you might have thought that everyone loved freedom, peace, and a balanced budget.

Now that the USA is a police state, Americans can easily see who are the slaves and patriots.

Anyone who obeys the law is a traitor and anyone who resists is a rebel.

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Is there a board you feel belongs on AwsumChan? Tell us here and we'll make it a reality (or at least a temporary one).

[We won't honor your request if it's trash or completely illegal though.]
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maybe add a bosrd where everyday the topic changes

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Yes hello, this is the meta board. Here, you can talk about AwsumChan, or ask the staff/users questions.
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There was a short bit of downtime where I upgraded the server to the latest version of Debian. After upgrading some packages, the site should be running smoothly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Is there any crypto user on this board? I need your help.


>>>/cr/ would probably be a better place to ask but we might be able to help


Thanks for the help. So will I get any help if i post there?

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